1998. Virgo(♍︎).

inserts name. just a girl who overthinks a lot and likes to rot in bed all day. love napping!

dni: if you're not cool. (you fit basic dni criterias) yatty yatta. more

byf: i am not interested in rep searches. not into kpop that much!

what i hate? tomatoes. hot weather. i think that's it.

what i love? cute stationary stuff as you can tell from my instagram.



instagram tiktok pinterest depop

personal ig and tw are private!

more info? i can read korean. do i understand it? 50%. i like to draw digitally on my ipad. i have a terrible spending habit.

my pronouns are she/her.

more byf: i am never active 100% of the time. i don't dedicate my time on social media so i hardly post. i have also limited my instagram A LOT.